Monday, May 12, 2008

Scary Dog Walk

At the Silvia Trkman seminar, Ryker was horrified of the dog walk. It had no slats! He got up to the "pivot" point, I truly think he thought it was a teeter, and jumped off. 5 people got up and told me, to pull him up by the collar (he had no collar on), lure him with food, pick him up and put him on, blablabla.I didn't, because I know it would only cause more harm. For the next 2 runs I just by-passed the dogwalk. Then we all went to lunch. After eating I had some time to shape Ryker to take the dogwalk. 5 minutes of no pressure training. That is all we needed.I didn't tell anyone and when it was our turn to run the course and he took that dogwalk in 1.5 seconds flat, I could hear them all gasp! Ryker is truly amazing.

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